Stage 2 certification usually takes place within one week after the completion of Stage 1. It is carried out in accordance with the audit plan presented at the end of Stage 1.
During the Stage 2 certification audit compliance with the organization management system as defined in the system documentation is verified by collecting objective evidence. An equally important criterion of the audit is the verification of compliance as defined in the relevant standard being audited.
Stage 2 certification audit usually consists of:
So what is the auditor looking for? The auditor wants to see compelling evidence in written form (electronic or paper) that a task is being performed correctly. Procedures and instructions are of interest, but to a lesser extent, unless they are necessary to accomplish the work properly.
During the audit, in general, the auditor will quiz the management and seek answers to the question:
"What has been planned to manage the company, aiming to satisfy the customer / information security / business continuity, etc.?”
The auditor will be interested in the way that management has planned to avoid, prevent and remove non-conformances. The auditor will also be interested in the planning process, which management has created and implemented to run a successful company. An auditor therefore wants to know about goal setting and the methods of their implementation and their execution.
In ISOQAR from experience we know that adopting a new method of management is not an easy step. We realize that management usually takes around three years to fully implement a new approach. It is usually based on the use of the best elements of the old system that may require improvements and the training and preparation of employees to adapt to the new methods.
Our auditors are trained to observe the activities within the company and discuss with managers and directors the contents of the system. An auditor typically spends 50% of their time observing and talking with employees. During this time, we suggest that the auditor is accompanied only by the management representative. This avoids unnecessary stress of the audited person.
We are aware that the employee is the first person who knows whether their work is done properly. The auditor wants to see what processes and activities ensure that the customer will receive only good products, that is, those that were ordered.
At the end of Stage 2 the auditor shall prepare a report and summarizes its findings and submit it at the ‘Closing Meeting’, which shall take place at the end of the last day of the audit. It may be that serious non-conformances and serious deficiencies are found during the audit. The auditor may call a meeting of the managers before the ‘Closing Meeting’ to discuss these. Normally at the ‘Closing Meeting’ the auditor will present the nature and severity of the non-conformances found and it is for this reason that all managers, owners and representatives of the Board should be present. The results of the audit are recorded in the audit report.
A certificate will be forwarded to the Client after a successful audit and after the Client has fulfilled all of the obligations concerning payment for the audit.